Passione Casteddu

The fidelity card of the Rossoblù fan

Nuova sottoscrizione

To apply for the Passione Casteddu, the rrossoblù fan's fidelity card useful for purchasing tickets for home and away matches, simply go to the ticket service in Piazza L'Unione Sarda with your ID and tax code.

The ticket office operator will fill out the necessary forms and take a digital photo to instantly issue the red card. Underage children must be accompanied by a parent.

The cost is 20€.

All those who are unable to go to our ticket office can subscribe to Passione Casteddu directly online via the following link:


To renew an expired or expiring Passione Casteddu fidelity card, go to the ticket service of the Cagliari 1920 Store in Piazza L'Unione Sarda and bring your fidelity card, together with an identity document and your tax code.

Expired or expiring Passione Casteddu, with any season ticket loaded, will be digitally transferred to the new Passione Casteddu, subject to notification of the ticket office operator.

The cost of the renewal operation is 10€.

Fans unable to go to our ticket office can renew their card directly online, here:

Do you have any doubts about the fidelity card or how it is issued?

Contact us at, we will be happy to answer your questions.

Passione Casteddu fidelity card terms and conditions

1. Definitions

The following definitions apply in these contractual terms and conditions:

'Terms and Conditions' shall mean these contractual terms and conditions and related terms and conditions of use;

'Consumer Code' means Legislative Decree no. n. 206/2005 e;

"Club" or "Cagliari Calcio" means Cagliari Calcio S.p.A., having its registered office in Assemini (CA), Località Sa Ruina snc. 09032, VAT number 00271200925;

"Holder" means the person who, having been duly identified and having completed the PASSIONE CASTEDDU Card subscription procedure (as defined below), obtains the issue of the same. No one may hold more than one Card;

"Card PASSIONE CASTEDDU" (or simply "Card"), means the identification card created under a programme of the Ministry of the Interior and established pursuant to the following regulations (DM 15/8/2009, implementing art. 8 D.L. 8/2007 converted into Law 41/2007 - Fidelity Programme ("Tessera del Tifoso") approved on 23/4/2008 by the National Observatory on Sporting Events - Circulars of the Ministry of the Interior dated 14/8/2009, 17/8/2009, 16/12/2009 and 6/8/2010) and evolved following the Protocol of Understanding dated 4/8/2017; "Site" means the website; "TicketOne website" means the website;

'Contract' shall mean the contract to which the membership of each Holder is subject, based on the Terms and Conditions;

"Ticket Service Unipol Domus" means the point where it will also be possible to request the issue of the Card, as indicated on the Site;

"Code of Regulations" means the Code of Regulations for the Transfer of Licences for Football Events;

"Access Tickets" means individual tickets and season tickets for the Club's home matches

2. Functionality of the PASSION CASTEDDU Card

2.1 Card:

- allows access to more streamlined sales procedures through the transfer of the personal data stored in it directly from the Card to the issuing/release/payment systems, as it is compatible with the ticket sales systems recognisable by any issuer of fiscal tickets (Holders are in any case required to carry and present a valid identity document in the event of any request by the retailer), but does not automatically grant the Holder the right to purchase the individual stadium tickets requested from time to time (this possibility depends on the actual availability of said tickets);

- exempts the holder from the specific restrictions that may be imposed for reasons of public order for matches played in Italy, both home and away, allowing the holder easier access to the purchase of individual tickets for stadium access in the 'guest sectors' in domestic away and/or high-risk matches. Such possible facilities may only be granted by the bodies and authorities responsible for public order and safety;

-smoothens the procedures for access to the sports facility because it can also be used to verify the correspondence of the ticket holder with the bearer (Holders are in any case required to carry and present a valid identity document in the event of any request by stewards or police forces);

- is an electronic document suitable for use as a digital medium on which to load Access Cards to sports facilities, allowing the Holder to gain access through automated gates, if any, while not excluding the possibility of being subjected to additional security checks and the possibility of requesting (and the obligation to comply with) the presentation of a valid identity document. The Card does not in itself constitute proof of purchase, even if activated for that purpose, of Access Cards unless the appropriate readers or, in the absence of technological equipment, the appropriate paper documentation, confirm that it can be used;

- does not allow more than one ticket to be uploaded per competition. The uploading of Access Tickets is conditional: (i) payment of the price for the purchase of the Access Ticket requested by the Holder; (ii) the Holder's acceptance of the Subscription Terms and Conditions and/or the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Tickets; (iii) the Holder's acceptance of the Unipol Domus Regulations and the Code of Regulations (also available on the Site).

- duly loaded with Access Tickets, is a document required to access Unipol Domus. Any other printouts attached to the Card or delivered to the Cardholder (or sent by e-mail) when the Access Ticket is loaded onto the Card only have the auxiliary function of reproducing on paper data (such as: sector, row and seat number) already stored electronically anyway. Such printouts therefore do not necessarily qualify for access.

3. Duration of the PASSION CASTEDDU Card

3.1. The duration of the Card shall be 5 (five) years from the date of issue, which is subject to the signing of the Agreement and the consequent acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, without prejudice to any prohibitory measures issued by the public security authorities, even after the date of issue.

4. Fee for subscribing to the PASSIONE CASTEDDU Card

4.1. The fee for the issue of the Card will be Euro 10.00 (ten) for those who are not Card holders and intend to subscribe to Cagliari Calcio's home matches for the 2024-2025 football season.

4.2. The fee for issuing the Card will be Euro 20.00 (twenty) for those who are not holders of the Card and do not intend to subscribe to Cagliari Calcio's home matches for the 2024-2025 football season.

4.3. Persons under the age of 12 who wish to subscribe to the Card may do so exclusively at the Unipol Domus Ticket Service at the special price of Euro 5.00 (five).

4.4. All fees are inclusive of VAT.

4.5. Payment of the Card subscription/renewal fee must be made online on the TicketOne website, by credit card, or in cash if the subscription is made at the Unipol Domus Ticket Service.

5. General rules for the use of the PASSIONE CASTEDDU Card

5.1. The PASSIONE CASTEDDU Card is strictly personal and non-transferable, however, the Access Cards loaded onto it may be transferred to other subjects, provided that they too are holders of another Card, in accordance with the specific procedures established by the Club, it being understood that the transfer is in any case subject to the limits that may be imposed, even on the occasion of individual matches, by Cagliari Calcio and the competent authorities.

5.2. The Cardholder is required to keep the PASSIONE CASTEDDU Card with care and to take every diligent precaution to prevent the document from being used by other persons as an Access Card to Unipol Domus. In the event of theft or loss of the Card, the Cardholder shall notify the Club immediately. The stolen or lost Card may be replaced upon presentation to Cagliari Calcio of the report and upon payment of the amount of Euro 10 for the issue of the replacement Card.

6. Information directed to the conclusion of the Contract

6.1. You can subscribe to the Card after signing the Contract via the online procedure on the TicketOne website, or by going to the Unipol Domus Ticket Service.

6.2. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph

- in the event of an online subscription through the TicketOne website, you must register on the TicketOne website, complete the subscription procedure by entering your complete and truthful personal data and the required documents, and make the payment by credit card. In this case, the Cardholder will have to choose whether to physically collect the Card at the Unipol Domus Ticket Service (Mon: 9.20am-12.30pm; Wed: 3pm-6pm; Fri: 9.30am-12.30pm and 3pm-6pm), or to receive the Card by courier directly to the shipping address provided at the time of purchase (in this case, the Cardholder will be charged the shipping cost of the Card, as communicated by Cagliari Calcio on the Website). The compilation of shipping data is done directly by the Holder, therefore Cagliari Calcio cannot be held liable for non-delivery in the event of incorrect data entry. The Card shall be delivered to the shipping address within a non-essential period of 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract. Cagliari Calcio shall not be liable for any delays in the delivery of the Card that are not attributable to it or generated by malfunctions in the service by the courier or by force majeure;

- In the case of subscription at the Unipol Domus Ticket Service (Mon: 9.20am-12.30pm; Wed: 3pm-6pm; Fri: 9.30am-12.30pm and 3pm-6pm), you will need to go in person, with a valid ID (or health card, in the case of holders under 14 years of age), to the Cagliari 1920 Stores indicated on the Site, where personal data will be physically collected by the Club, in compliance with current privacy regulations.

6.3. In any event, at the time of signing, the person interested in signing the Card must self-certify that he/she is not the addressee of measures referred to in art. 6 of the law of 13 December 1989, no. 401 (prohibition of access to places where sporting events are held) or pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 159 (preventive measures against persons dangerous to security and public morality) or that he has not in any case been convicted, even with a non-definitive sentence, of offences committed on the occasion of or in connection with sporting events;

6.4. However, the Card may not be issued in the following cases:

- parziale o mancato completamento del processo di sottoscrizione, oppure

- verification, through the computerised system referred to in the Decree of the Minister of the Interior of 15 August 2009, of the existence of 'obstructive reasons', or

c) persons subject to a DASPO, or to one of the measures provided for in Legislative Decree no. n. 159/2011 (so-called preventive measures), or

- those who have been convicted, even at first instance, of so-called stadium offences (exclusion applies for five years). In this case, if a DASPO has already been served for the same incident, the five-year exclusion period is subtracted from the period already served for the DASPO itself.

7. Conclusion of the Contract

The Contract shall be deemed concluded and binding between the Holder and the Club once the relevant procedures have been completed (online or at the Unipol Domus Ticket Service) and payment of the fee has been made.

8. Execution of the Contract

The Holder's personal data must be correct and truthful. The processing of such data will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the information notice also available on the Site, which you must read and accept in order to subscribe to the Card. If necessary, the Holder may proceed to amend the data provided at registration by sending an e-mail to

9. Prohibition of Transfer

The PASSIONE CASTEDDU card is strictly personal and non-transferable.

10. Cases of suspension or interruption of the PASSION CASTEDDU Card

10.1. The Cardholder accepts the unquestionable right of the Club to exclude or suspend the Card at any time, with the consequent invalidation of the Card's functionality and of all or some of the privileges attached to it, without this entailing the payment of any compensation, even pro rata, restitution of the amount paid or indemnity, to those persons:

- who, in the opinion of the Club, or upon report by the police or Cagliari Calcio's partner companies, have behaved in a manner that is not compliant with the Code of Regulations and/or the Unipol Domus Regulations, as well as, in general, behave in a manner that is detrimental to Cagliari Calcio. In this regard, the Holder expressly acknowledges and accepts that the Club, in compliance with the Regulatory Code, may carry out investigation and control activities against him/her in order to prevent and sanction certain conduct prohibited by the Regulatory Code. Furthermore, the Holder expressly acknowledges and accepts that the sanctions provided for by the Regulatory Code may consist, by way of example but not limited to, in removal from ongoing matches and/or in the prohibition to purchase tickets and season tickets or to use the tickets and season tickets already purchased (without being entitled to receive any reimbursement) for one or more subsequent matches/seasons or in perpetuity, under the terms and according to the procedures provided for by the Regulatory Code.

-who have irregularly used or attempted to use the Card to gain fraudulent access to the stadium;

-who are found to be subject to the measures referred to in Art. 6 of the law of 13 December 1989, no. 401, or under Lgs. n. 159/2011, or the filing of a complaint or conviction, even if not final, for offences committed on the occasion of or by reason of sporting events;

-who have used the Card in the context of scalping activities;

-who have revoked and/or expressed opposition to the processing of personal data relating to the issue of the PASSIONE CASTEDDU Card;

-who have culpably (e.g. through negligent custody or delayed communication to Cagliari Calcio), or voluntarily, allowed another person to use (or attempt to use) the Card as a ticket to the stadium;

-who, following checks and verifications, including those carried out after the issue of the Card, are found to have provided untrue data (such as, purely by way of example and not limited to, a date of birth that differs from the actual date of birth) in order to evade the checks underlying the system for verifying the absence of grounds for refusal and/or to have made false statements regarding the absence of convictions and/or grounds for refusal to issue the Card;

-who, on the basis of objective elements, are found to have engaged in conduct aimed at active participation in violent incidents at or on the occasion of sporting events or such as to endanger public safety at or on account of such events;

- che violano le disposizioni degli articoli 9 (Divieto di cessione) e 11 (Diritti di proprietà) dei presenti Termini e condizioni.

10.2. By virtue of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Card may therefore be revoked or suspended for one or more official matches and become unusable as a ticket for admission to the stadium for that period, without this entailing the payment of any compensation, even pro rata, restitution of the fee paid or indemnity.

11. Intellectual Property Rights

The Holder expressly acknowledges that the Club is the owner of all intellectual property rights protectable on the basis of copyright law or other legal provisions, including but not limited to: know-how, source code, software, hardware, designs, applications, patents, databases and the like relating to the Card, as well as images, content, data and other materials originating from the Club or otherwise made available by it to the Holder. The Holder is prohibited from copying, modifying, reusing, selling, assigning, sublicensing, conferring or transferring to third parties or creating works from any of the Club's rights, or allowing third parties to do so through the use of the services provided to him, even without his knowledge.

12. Changes

Cagliari Calcio reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Terms and Conditions, in particular in the event of a change in the applicable legal provisions, in the manner provided for in Article 15 below, unless otherwise required by law.

13. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal

Since this is a supply of clearly customised goods as referred to in Art. 59(1)(c) of the Consumer Code, the Holder is not entitled to the right of withdrawal from the Contract referred to in Art. 52 et seq. of the Consumer Code. However, the Cardholder has the right to request his or her cancellation from the Fidelity Programme, at any time, by sending a registered letter with return receipt to Cagliari Calcio S.p.a., with registered office in Assemini (CA), Località Sa Ruina Snc, indicating the identification number of the Card and his or her personal data, without prejudice to the cost of purchasing the Card. Cagliari Calcio shall deactivate the Card within 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the aforementioned communication, unless an Access Card with an expiry date later than that date is loaded on it. In this case, the Card will be deactivated on the day following the last competition to which the Access Card relates.

14. Authorisation to take and use photographs and audio and video recordings/recordings

By signing the Card, the Cardholder manifests his or her consent that the photographs and audio and video recordings/recordings concerning him or her, taken by the Club at sporting and/or other events and/or sent by the Cardholder to the Club, may be used by the Club for advertising and promotional purposes, meaning by these expressions the possibility of using such photographs and audio and video recordings/recordings in Cagliari Calcio's advertising campaigns, through the display and diffusion of the same on the Site, as well as through other communication vehicles belonging to the Club, such as social network contacts owned by Cagliari Calcio and any other means of future conception. If the Holder does not wish to consent to such use, he/she shall send, no later than 5 days after signing the Contract, a signed notice stating his/her dissent to the use of such photographs and audio and video recordings/recordings on the Club's channels for the aforementioned purposes. Failure by the Holder to communicate his dissent shall be deemed by the Club as implicit assent to such uses.

15. Protection of personal data

15.1. The data communicated by the Controller necessary for the execution of the Contract are processed in accordance with the applicable legislation, defined in connection with Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation). This data is processed for the purpose of subscribing to the Card. For this purpose, the data is passed on to authorised service providers, who are appointed as data controllers and/or data processors.

15.2. Any use of the data for further purposes is subject to the express consent of the person concerned. For further information, please consult the 'Privacy' section of the Site. By requesting the issue of the Card, the Cardholder acknowledges that his or her data may be collected, used, stored and processed in accordance with the purposes declared in the Club's information notice on the processing of personal data and on the basis of any specific consents freely given, which are requested in the cases and forms provided for by the legislation in force.

16. Enquiries and complaints - Assistance

You can request information, send communications or submit complaints by contacting the customer service of Cagliari Calcio free of charge through the contacts available on the Site.

17. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The Contract is governed by Italian law and federal regulations. For any dispute concerning the validity, formation, conclusion, interpretation, execution and termination of the Contract, the exclusive competent court shall be Cagliari.

18. Comunications

Communications directed to the generality of the Holders may be made, at the sole discretion of the Club, either by continuous posting of the same on the Site, or by sending e-mails to the e-mail address indicated at the time of signing the Contract or to the different address communicated in writing by the Holder.

In the hypothesis of communications directed to the generality of the Holders, made by means of continuous publication on the Site, the same will be understood to be validly known by all recipients after the lapse of 15 (fifteen) days from publication. Communications directed to the individual concerned are understood to be made by sending e-mail to the address indicated at the time of signing the Contract or to the different address communicated in writing by the Holder.

For any communication, the Holder may contact Cagliari Calcio through the contacts made known through the Site.