The Cagliari Fan Club visit

Rossoblù World - 30/04/2024

This afternoon at the CRAI Sport Center in Assemini, the usual annual meeting with the board of directors of the Cagliari Fan Club was held. Taking part in the meeting was Rossoblù president Tommaso Giulini, with business and media director Stefano Melis, and coach Claudio Ranieri. For the Cagliari Fan Club the president Alessio Cordella, the deputy Stefano Pili, the communication officer Carlo Fancello and the area referents: Agostino Salis of the Cagliari Fan Club Bindua (referent Sulcis Iglesiente); Maria Paola Cappai (Pozzomaggiore), referent Sassari and province sections; Massimiliano Lai, president ‘Cuori Rosso Blu’, referent Cagliari and province sections. An opportunity to get together, to convey to the fans thanks for their closeness and support in the run-up to the final rush of the season.

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