Cagliari e Fondazione Mont’e Prama still together

Rossoblù World - 30/08/2024

Cagliari Calcio and the Mont’e Prama Foundation are pleased to announce the continuation of the partnership started in 2022 and now in its third consecutive sporting season.

A journey that continues, that of the Rossoblù together with the Foundation, and that will further bring citizens from all over the world closer to Sardinia’s archaeological heritage. Starting with the Sardinians, who will once again be able to be true ambassadors of the excellence that dwells on the Island, telling and disseminating a thousand-year history full of details to be discovered and explored.

Cagliari Calcio and the Mont’e Prama Foundation are thus strengthening their joint path with a targeted, wide-ranging communication campaign that looks at multiple directions and objectives. Much more than a partnership, a common vision that in recent years has been realised on the occasion of Cagliari’s away matches throughout Italy. The opportunity to explore the archaeological heritage on the Sinis Peninsula, to tell its story through conferences and photographic exhibitions hosted in some of Italy’s most prestigious museums: among others, the Uffizi in Florence, the Triennale in Milan, the Egyptian Museum in Turin, the MAXXI in Rome. And also Genoa, Udine, Bergamo, Parma, Palermo, Brescia and Venice.

A relationship, the one with local institutions, that has allowed the network to be strengthened by planning and organising synergic initiatives. Alongside Cagliari Calcio and the Mont’e Prama Foundation, with a crucial role in organising and strengthening projects, the FASI (Federation of Associations of Sardinians in Italy), capable as ever of involving the many Sardinians present in the territories of the Peninsula, prouder than ever in spreading the heritage of Sardinia, enthusiastic in embracing Cagliari across the sea.

Tommaso Giulini, president of Cagliari Calcio. ‘The partnership with the Mont’e Prama Foundation is something that makes us proud and stimulates us to do more and more for the enhancement of Sardinia and the excellence of its territory. Sport is an exceptional flywheel to give further value to cultural heritage, as Cagliari Calcio we will continue to work together with all local stakeholders to ensure that more and more people get to know our island. We have been travelling together for two years now, continuing to do so represents a new challenge to be faced with enthusiasm’.

‘We are continuing, for the third consecutive season, this joint communication campaign that has allowed us to publicise the treasures of Sinis and Sardinia in major Italian cities,’ says Mont’e Prama Foundation president Anthony Muroni. ‘We are proud to do this with Cagliari Calcio, which has immediately embraced this project to disseminate and promote the millenary history of our island. The role of the Regional Programming Centre of the Sardinian Region was fundamental,‘ Muroni continues, “which approved the partnership as one of the actions of the Plan on Territorial Attractions ”Great Mont’e Prama Project’.

The partnership with the Mont’e Prama Foundation focuses on supporting youth sports clubs in Cabras and Sardinia. Thus, kits with the Foundation’s and Cagliari Calcio’s logos have been designed for them, as well as a series of activities that will be organised in order to consolidate the healthiest values of sport and enhance the technical qualities of young athletes thanks to the skills and methodologies of the red and blue coaches, as part of the Cagliari Football Academy project.

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