
Rossoblù World - 20/11/2023

“We knew it was going to be a difficult start: Serie A is a complicated league, we paid too much, honestly we could have had a few more points. Tenacity brings you results. We were good at holding on when things didn’t go our way, we’ll have to be just as good at keeping the tension up”: red and blue goalkeeper Simone Scuffet spoke to La Nuova Sardegna, on newsstands today;

‘There was no need to convince me, I immediately liked the idea of coming to Cagliari. I spoke with director Bonato, whom I had already met in Udine. The president never talks about things on the pitch, he chooses his collaborators and respects their role. I had the desire to try new challenges. Coming here was a step forward for me, an opportunity to be seized;

“In modern football, starting or not starting is relative. There is no longer such a clear distinction between starters and reserves. We are all participating and positively under scrutiny, we have to learn to live with it. It’s right that there is competition, it becomes an incentive to give something more and achieve goals;

“Coach Ranieri is experienced, he knows how to relate to the group. He knows how to manage the mood in the dressing room and makes us work hard. He has won a lot in football, he is an added value for us. With a coach like that you can only improve;

“Without sacrifice I think it is almost impossible to achieve. Up to this moment, the most beautiful goal in my career has been winning the playoffs in Serie B with Spezia, what happened here last season. I now hope to build more success with this jersey;

“A Cagliari si vive bene e il clima aiuta. Le strutture societarie sono all’avanguardia, c’è tutto per lavorare serenamente. La spiaggia del Poetto è uno spettacolo, ci vado nei giorni liberi. Il centro storico è perfetto per fare passeggiate rilassanti. Se da un lato posso dire che la parte più bella della giornata è il campo, perché abbiamo la fortuna di fare un lavoro che è la nostra passione, dall’altro mi piace godermi la vita privata, le piccole cose in compagnia della mia compagna Martina, della famiglia e gli amici”.

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