Primavera, Fabio Pisacane words

Youth Sector - 23/08/2024

Fabio Pisacane can only smile for the victory of his Primavera, who beat Monza 3-2 at the CRAI Sport Center. The words of the Primavera coach:

“The boys deserve compliments because they interpreted the game very well from the beginning and in the first half there was no match. We have started a new path, we are working to consolidate ourselves, there can be a blank period or a bit of discontinuity in the performance, within the game and the season. Those who came in did very well, the substitutions are increasingly crucial to keep the pace high and absorb the difficulties, we must continue like this. I will never say anything to my players for a technical error, it is different if the attitude is wrong, but I coach a group that has important values and gives me many guarantees”.

“We often start with Simonetta in the construction and development phase, it’s normal that she might feel the fatigue in the long run. I know Langella well and I knew what he could give us, we’ve been following him for a long time, but I also think of Vinciguerra, all the substitutes, the guys who have worked hard since day one to build our season, it would be wrong and reductive to talk only about a few individuals. The Primavera championship is increasingly challenging and high-level, for this reason attention to detail makes the difference and you always have to stay on top of things”.

“We have to work day by day, always dreaming and never being scared by difficult moments, it’s my belief since forever and life and football have shown me that. In Rome we did very well, it’s normal to succumb when you don’t take advantage of the opportunities, you play for a long time with ten men and for long stretches you seem to be superior rather than the strong opponent that Roma is. Let’s move forward with confidence, we’re just starting out but Cagliari is there, as always”.

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