Rossoblù “Partner Night”

Rossoblù World - 31/05/2024

The ‘Partner Night 2024’, an event dedicated to the meeting between Cagliari Calcio, Infront and all the partner companies that have supported the Club during the last exciting sporting season, sharing the challenges inside and outside the green rectangle on a daily basis, was staged in the setting of Cagliari’s Teatro Doglio.

The occasion was propitious to renew our common objectives and relaunch towards new horizons, analysing market dynamics and the quantitative and qualitative feedback of the work done.

Doing the honours, Rossoblù president Tommaso Giulini, who took stock of the 2023-2024 football season both from a sporting point of view and in terms of strategic choices and relations with partners and stakeholders. Corporate CEO Carlo Catte and Primavera coach Fabio Pisacane were also present.

Stefano Deantoni, marketing director of Infront Italy, illustrated the evolution of the sports market and the new opportunities for the near future, but also for the longer term, outlining the panorama of media and types of fruition.

At the heart of the evening was the speech by Cagliari Calcio’s business and media director Stefano Melis, who led the audience on a 360-degree journey through the many projects developed by the Club in the media, commercial and social spheres: the closeness to the fans and the visceral relationship declined in all the multimedia content; the activations aimed at giving value to the work of partner companies; the initiatives linked to the territory and with an international profile; the Match Day experience and all those linked to it that involve fans of all ages; and again the renewal of the digital ecosystem and the new commercial opportunities generated by the new red and blue app, developed together with Cagliari and Infront’s technological partner, Abilitya, which, in the person of its founder Raimondo Gissara, presented all the strategic strengths of digital marketing.

At the end came the greetings and report from Renato Sanna, Infront’s Sardinia team leader, before the theatre stage was left to what was a real novelty of the 2024 edition: the comedy show with performances by Sandro Cappai, Alessandro Atzeni and Albert Canepa, leading artists of Stand-up Comedy Sardegna.

The Partner Night 2024 had its epilogue in the evocative courtyard of Palazzo Doglio where everyone toasted together to the season that had been lived and to the one that, in a few weeks’ time, will start with undiminished enthusiasm.

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