The story of Cagliari-Como

First Team - 26/08/2024

Cagliari and Como draw on the second day of Serie A Enilive 2024/2025. Piccoli (at 43′) is answered by Cutrone (at 52′) in an intense match for long stretches, well played by the teams of Davide Nicola and Cesc Fabregas. It ends 1-1.

The start of the match was lively, with both teams trying to impose their game. Como was dangerous on several occasions, especially with Cutrone and Strefezza, but Cagliari’s defense, led by Luperto and Mina, managed to neutralize the threats. Cagliari, for its part, found Luvumbo as the main offensive reference (hit the post in the 13th minute with a personal action from the right), with the Angolan constantly putting the Larian defense in difficulty. The turning point came in the 44th minute: Prati perfectly launched Luperto, who acted as a pass to Piccoli who, like a true opportunist, scored from close range, taking advantage of a misunderstanding between Dossena and Reina. Unipol Domus exploded while Cagliari went into the locker rooms with the lead.

Como immediately tries to straighten out the game with the entry of new signing Maximo Perrone, formerly of Manchester City, in place of Braunöder. However, Cagliari controls the pace of the game well, continuing to sting on the counterattack with Piccoli and Luvumbo. But in the 52nd minute Cutrone equalizes: corner from the right, assist by Dossena and Cutrone does not forgive for the 1-1 that cools down Unipol Domus. Nicola chooses Adopo in place of Prati at the stroke of the hour, shortly before Fabregas brings on Cerri Paz in place of Da Cunha and Belotti. It takes a while for Cagliari to reorganize but in the 65th minute Adopo sounds the charge with a right-footed shot deflected into a corner, then Nicola brings on Palomino and Lapadula for Mina and Luvumbo. Como is always difficult on the counterattack with Cutrone (Zappa saves) and on the following corner Moreno strikes in a melee with Scuffet saving without being fooled by Azzi’s deflection, when the clock says 70′. Sensational at 78′: maneuvered action by Cagliari, dry left-footed shot by Lapadula that Reina somehow saves, back touch by the defense and the goalkeeper takes it a little before the goal line.

Pavoletti and Obert enter in the 80th minute in place of Piccoli and Augello, for a finale to be experienced to the full. Fatigue and the broken rhythms limit the spectacle and there is no last rossoblù assault, Como tries but without jolts, except for two very high shots by Cerri from a few steps from the goal in the recovery area. At the end of the game, aerial contact with Deiola hit by the defender’s high arm in the penalty area, but there is no sanction. It ends 1-1 for the second point in two games for Cagliari in this start of the Serie A Enilive 2024/2025.

Cagliari 1-1 Como

Goals: 44′ Roberto Piccoli (Cagliari), 54′ Patrick Cutrone (Como)

Cagliari: 1 Scuffet; 25 Zappa, 14 Mina (67′ Palomino), 4 Luperto, 33 Augello (81′ Obert); 16 Prati (60′ Adopo), 29 Marin, 27 Deiola; 77 Luvumbo (67′ Lapadula), 91 Piccoli (81′ Pavoletti), 77 Azzi. Allenatore: Davide Nicola

Como: 1 Reina; 18 Iovine, 5 Dossena (89′ Goldaniga), 23 Barba, 21 Moreno; 16 Braunöder (46′ Perrone), 14 Mazzitelli (69′ Sergi Roberto); 7 Strefezza, 11 Belotti (58′ Cerri), 17 Da Cunha (58′ Nico Paz); 10 Cutrone. Allenatore: Cesc Fabregas

Ammoniti: 12′ Braunöder (Como), 17′ Prati (Cagliari), 42′ Moreno (Como), 63′ Marin (Cagliari)

Arbitro: Marco Di Bello di Brindisi

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