New Club organizational chart

News Archive - 29/06/2017

The Board of Directors of Cagliari Calcio, meeting today, has appointed two new positions: Carlo Catte is the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Club, and Mario Passetti will serve as General Manager.

Carlo Catte, born in Nuoro, 41 years old, married with two daughters, holds a degree in Business and Economics with a focus on business administration from the University of Cagliari. . After a brief banking experience, he joined the Administrative Department of Cagliari Calcio in January 2002, eventually becoming the Director responsible for personnel management and legal affairs. È già membro del Consiglio He is already a member of the Club’s Board of Directors. del Club.

Mario Passetti, a native of Cagliari, born in 1976, married with two children. He earned an MBA from the SDA School of Management at Bocconi University in Milan in 2008. Passetti has worked in the commercial departments of Tiscali and Vodafone. Since 2014, he has been the Director of Commercial, Marketing, and Communication at Cagliari Calcio.


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