Yerry Mina introduces himself

First Team - 02/02/2024

Yerry Mina introduces himself to the media at the ‘Unipol Domus’ press room: themes related to the arrival in Sardinia and personal matters, with a focus on the potential debut on Monday night in Rome against the Giallorossi.

“Being here in Cagliari is an immense pleasure; I am happy for myself, my family, and my loved ones who are close to me these days. It is an honor to wear the red and blue jersey, and I can’t wait to step onto the field. The impact with the team and facilities has been fantastic. Serie A is a highly stimulating context for me. I love playing in the best leagues, as I have done in Spain and England, and now in Italy this season. I am ready. We know that we face strong, quality opponents every time, fighting for the goal, and we have to be at our best.”

“I have already seen many beautiful things in the city, and I can’t wait to contribute to the team to make the fans happy. I am a positive person, not worried; I love to fight, it’s my main characteristic. I come here with humility, a desire to learn from a great coach and teammates. Everyone has welcomed me warmly, and finding a cohesive group can make a difference. We will need to be able to react to challenging moments, all together.”

“I am arriving at an organized club, from the president to the director and everyone working there has shown great passion and eagerness to have me with them. It is up to me to contribute; I will have the fortune to work with a coach like Ranieri, who has a lot of experience and provides great serenity in playing, regardless of the role or tactical system. As defenders, like the whole team, we always have to give 100%, seeking victory. It may not always come, but what matters is giving our best and leaving the field with our heads held high.”

“I find in the group guys like Nandez and Lapadula whom I’ve known as opponents, even with the national team, but everyone has welcomed me warmly. Can I score? First of all, I’m a defender, and I have to prevent others from scoring. If the opportunity arises, I’ll be very happy. We start right away in Rome, against a great team, but we have to focus on ourselves and not worry about others, aware of the difficulties but also of our worth.”

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